Saturday, August 29, 2009

kesah sblom blek :)

waa.. beshnyer dpt blek
brula dpt smgt baru (inspiration kot..huahua)

sblom blek mcm2 kne settle dlu
yela nk g haji/umrah pn kne selesaikan urusan kt tanah air
umpama cm 2la (hehee)

n semestinyer quiz n test ad every week
so pulun study (tp still xley full mark) nk full mark!!
quiz intermediate maths? huh.. agk menyengalkan
n test physic 1
quite easy. hope dpt full mark r kn.
coz soklan yg xpat wat 2 soklan yg salah (bonus2!)

lg 1..
sbgai ketua aras 6 blok u7 yg berwibawa (hahaha..poyo seh!)
knela settle memorandum sal infrastuktur blok
aras 6 dala rmai senior ( susah sket nk handle senior sbnrny)
n international student (I.S)
ya ! time 2 speaking maa..
n improve my communication skill (kehkehkeh)
nseb bek diorg paham (agk broken kot)hee
**siyes kureng r speaking2 (lowest MUET marks= part speaking lah)

then, kne gntung bndera kt aras msing2
agk sket ati (bln ramadhan kne byk brsaba! saba jelaa)
ktua aras bpe tah. dala slh gntung kt aras 6
n gntung ala kadar je (cm x ikhlas taw)
tpksala cabut lek n gntung proper sket.
tp xkesah. ikhlas je
cume sedeyhla ade gak org cm..

jumaat, 28.8.09= BALEK!!!!
tp tp.. egtkn dlm 3 4 jam jek smpai da uma
tp 7 jam kot. asl jaoh sgt r??

faktor2 knape lmbt-
1. management problems=passenger berlebih. 1 seat 2 3 org no sme. ishh~
2. condition bus= waa.. mls ah cite. cam2 bunyi dengar. takot gak :(
3. always in rest= byk kali bentila.
my seat-dok sbelah senior(final year r) yg byk ckp
penat lyn dye bcakap..hehe
byk lak cite dye. dok bcite topik 2 topik ni
blehla kte xtdo pn lam bus
he stay in kolej 10 (k10) n im kolej perdana(K.P)
dkt je upenyer. patot agk familiar.

1 bus ngn mbe 1 kg.
zahir. xtaw dye pasan x.
i guess he's still in KMJ.
xsempat pn nk tego. seat jaoh r n dye trun awal.

arrived in temerloh (11.50 pm)
btolak kul 5.oo p.m)
xtaw pn ley trun triang.
parents pn da tgu temerloh.
bazir masa je. xpe first time blek ni.
len kli kite trun triang je ye hida. hehe:)

-atas meja
-depan TV
-sebelah sofa
-ruang tamu
-rumah terchenta

Monday, August 17, 2009

weekend kuh?

mlm tuh rewang2 kt pesta konvo!
mak eh! abes kot dwit..aiseh
rm40 jugakla 1 mlm
ase first n last kot g c 2.
mkanan kt c 2 bpkla sgla mahal
nyesal2 mkn kt c 2
dala xsedap, sket lak tuh (xbaikla hida. rezeki jugak kn?)

tah xegt wat pe....
BOSAN! nak blek umaaaaa......
mlm sbtu lyn cite korea lagi
every weekend xsah xlyn korea
mlm ni pesta konvo ad KONSERT SEH!
asl aku xg haaa? sobsobsss
dr kolej denga dgn terang dan nyata
diorg nyanyi2!(wat ak lg frust)
aizat dtg kot. besh ah lagu2 dye.
yg lawaknyer=mbe aku xley study tros denga aizat nyanyi
sian dye..hahaha
syida kate faizal tahir pn ade..xtawla.

mende yg paling aku xnak jd. jd gak!
kwn2 percaya x?? hida sound rumet dye sendri
xpenah taw dlm hidup aku sound member cm 2 skli
tp smpai ble aku nk brsabar!
aku tension taw x!
mak...mcm mne nk hidup 1taon ni....
aku bukn seorg yg suke marah2 xreti pn nk marah2
tp ble da xtahan spe boley control kan????
SORRY aku xsengaja pn sbrnyer bkasar ngn ko
ok! tutup cite!!!!
arp xberlaku lglaa...hopefully...

p/s: mgu ni ad test statistik..waaa takot gler weh! wish me luck!

Monday, August 10, 2009

-Rovermoot '09-

what thats??
im from kelab kelab kelana siswa

rovermoot 2 slh 1 aktiviti camping kelana
kitorg juz pelawat
our destination is GUNUNG SENYUM

kurg excited coz da penah kot smpai sni

but still
got a lot of experiences there
n got new friends* too

bad experience= d sound ngn sis senior
sbnrnye sbnrnye... nk je ckp
(ko ckp ape ! WHO CARES!!!)
nseb still hormat kt diorg...(*;


-arrived at jengka-
[after breakfast]

-ana n ecah-

[real punyer ni ! bkn copy kt internet]

-one's of view there-

-center of 'smile mountain'-
[where's me??]
im the one who snap da pitcha**

-wall in the cave-
[dinding gua. xkn xbleh cam??]

-bye-bye jengka-
[hye-hye utm]


Friday, August 7, 2009


D.O.N.E diz week!
seksa kot mgu ni.
berturut-turut quiz n test.

dan minggu ni jugak minggu yg plg xbersemangat!

knape haaa? tah.

rindu sum1? bukan. gado ngn sum1? bukan.

n again.. no answer
pernah x korg rase dunia x A.D.I.L

diskriminasi berleluasa
cantas mencantas mjdi budaya
keikhlasan bukan perkara TERAKHIR
tamak haloba makanan hidup
penindasan lagu d jiwa.......................
P/S : need a lot of patient to face the rules of cruel life (: