Sunday, August 29, 2010

ingat ni!

gagal berkali-kali 
tidak bermakna 
anda gagal selamanya!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

pesanan khidmat masyarakat

wahai kawan kawan. kakak kakak. adik adik. abang abang. scandal scandal. eh, xade2.haha. sorry for unreply message, for unanswered  call. ( oke. grammar BI salah! ).  untuk makluman saya perlulah menyetelkan atau menyiapkan segala kerja2 saya ( test & things to do sebelah kanan blog) B4 raya nih! so budak besar yg pasan budak kecik ni sgtlah busy! ( ape ko ingat ko PM ke perasan busy? wahaha. ) n pemberitauan jugak no. celcom OFF smpai cuti. so sorry klo xdpt contact.. n skg jam 3.30 pagi. bru siapkan report lab n esok claz kul 8.00 pagi straight sampai 12.00 tgh ari. mmg best! ptg pulak ko-q esok netball, lecturer sroh training. wahh bulan pose ni wahai lecturer ku. waaa!



Sunday, August 22, 2010


pertama. semalam dah pergi bazar tamam seri pulai (eh betul nme bazar 2. err.pedulikan.) finally. sampai gak sna. mahu pergi sana sebab orang2 berkata bahawa situ sgtla besh. especially klo nk nk dibandingkan dgn bazar FAB ( fakulti alam bina ). oke dengan sesungguhnyer saya membuat pengakuan disini SAYA XSUKA BAZAR TAMAN SERI PULAI. saya lebih suka bazar FAB 2 je! sebab yg pertama. alahai melampau sesaknyer sana.rimas! klo dah jln asyik org pijak selipar dr blkg mmg aku hangin.huuu. sebab yg kedua xade yg menarik pn sana? sama je tgk ngn FAB yg xbest 2?opps. sebab ketiga . tyme pegi nih, dlm keadaan yg sgt penat + mamai bangun tdo blom hilang. haha. sebab keempat. makanan2 yg dibeli selepas dmakan ketika berbuka. biasa aje asenyer. ade yg xsedap lg. ( demandnyer budak nih! )


pernah x korg pergi mane2 mall kt dunia nih, msuk je mne2 kedai, pekerja diorg asik ikut kite je. gler rimas en! nak tgk barang pn xsenang. samalah kesnyer.. masuklah satu kedai jual hadiah2 nih, adoyai pegi sini ikut then siap terang lg kebaikan keburukan brg kt situ. klolah round 1 kedai tuh nk explain nak ceritakan sume brg kt situ. ke? memanglah bagus. tp pelanggan ko suke ke? tgkla jenis pelanggan ko 2. klo dpt yg mengada cam aku nih. xpayahla nak mengekor je. xpasal bla dr situ cepat2. spe rugi? ko ngn bos ko jugak.


hehehe. post kali saje nak perasan bagus. perasan gedikk.haha. baca betul2 ek 'perasan'. 
tapi  TAK sebenarnyer.erk??

p/s : esok test anatomi. hari ini otak da ting tong akibat ketepuan menhafal!


Friday, August 20, 2010


Not everybody have to love me.
I enjoy being like and being loved
but if somebody doesn't like me,
i will still be okay and still feel like I am an okay person.

It is okay to make mistakes.
There is no reason for me to get upset when i make a mistake.
I am trying and if i make a mistake,
i am actually going to continue trying.
I am still worthwhile person when i make them.

Other people are okay and I am okay.
People who do things i dont like are not necessarily bad people.
they are who they are.
we all deserve basic respect!

I dont have to control thing.
I can accept things the way they are,
accept people the way they are
and accept the way I am.

I am responsible for myself.
If i have a rotten day,
i am the one who allowed it tobe that way.
if i have a great day,
i am the one who deserves credit for being positive.
I am the one who is in charge of my life.

I can handle it when things go wrong.
Things usually go just fine,
and when they dont, i can handle it.
the sky wont fall in, things will be okay.

It is important to try.
Avoiding task does not give me any oppurnities for succes or joy
but trying does.
i might not be able to do everything but i can do something

I am capable.
i can take care of myself
i can make decision for myself
i can think for myself

Other people capable.
They are capable.
they can take care of themselves
and can solve their problem but I also care and be some of help

I can be flexible.
There is more than one way to do something.
Everyone's idea are worthwhile
and everyone has something worthwhile to contribute.

I can change.
every day is new day.
its silly to think i cant help being the way i am.
of course i can. I CAN CHANGE!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

my PA = thumbs up!

Gathering with our PA.

PA kami sgt baek!
PA kami sgt prihatin!
siyes bertuah sgt!
slalu blanje kitorg mkn.
slalu ambil berat ttg kitorg.
tp kitorg? eh bukan tapi aku?
 terima  kasih SIR!!!

sir Khaidzir @ dr Khaidzir ( DR sbb beliau bru dpt pHD )
kata beliau " klo korg kne gigit nyamuk pn bgtaw saya. ni bapak kamu sume nih"
sgt ambil berat akademik n personal life ktorg kt utm nih.
kami tahu beliau mahu yg terbaek dr kami.
Insyaallah sir!!!! 
( walau aku kdg2  tetap xbuat yg terbaek. maaf sir!! )

PA stands for penasihat akademik not personal assistant ea...

p/s : xad mood nk upload gamba byk2. huhuuu

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

my sweet twenty ♥

ye saya da dewasa? hakhak.

tp saya belum TUA LAH!

thanks to my coursemates for d surprise!

tp yg best, saya dpt makan durian tyme birthday. kesian kek birthday. dak2 ni pn xpandang pn kek. maybe sbb common kot. g 1 maybe masing2 mengidam durian.hahaha! thanks to my roomate n her boyriend coz carikan durian. heheh. nseb korg xmen gler sgt kan. stakat tabur bedak carrie junior aku tas kepala kire not badla. 2 sbnrnyer menambahkan lg kecomelan aku. haha. =D

tq kwan2 :)

2-ssh yg comel!

kek pn comel!

oh tdak. gmba ni patut xya upload. agak klaka!

rumate saya cantek tp dye suda ad yg punyer. heee!

sedapnyer durian!

esoknyer sambut ngn bestfriend dr matrik. kitorg kua nek kreta sewa yd disewa org mereka. hehe. jalan2 tanpa tujuan n last2 menapak kt angsana je pon. haha. diorg ajak karok tp dsebabkan besday gurl nak men bowling. bowlinglah jd pilihan hati.hehehe. saya suka main bowling walaopun xterer! ( slalu men ngn diorg konfem2 kalah, asal tyme besday menang?. korg sje je! )

pas 2 kan. balek 2 plan nak lepak balai cerap sampai tgh malam. so singgah MSI utk solat. tp dsebabkan hal tertentu xjadi. lepak tasik jela. pn XJADI. sebab b4 sampai tasik kitorg accident la pulak! -lokasi : simpang 4, turun bukit dpn pdg besar utm- ( sorry korg aku bocor rahsia kt blog.hee ) tp aku pn xgtaw parent aku lg smpaila skg. klolah parent aku bace blog. terang-terangan aku mengantoikan diri sendri. huhu. tp yg pasti aku mmg still terbyg2 mcm mne kite langgar itu divider jalan n terbalek kancil 2 dbuatnyer. gler lah experience yg korg bg tuk besday gurl. korg first time taw aku nek ambulans g pusat kesihatan utm. huhu. tp syukur sgt2 kita sume xad pe2 lawpon kreta kancil 2 mmg da nazak kiter kejekan. then, bermula episod hari2 busy menguruskan report accident yg tetibe cam ade sumthing wrong kan. turun naek balai polis tun aminah 2. aishh. n 4 sure kne ready gnti rugi kereta yg mungkin beribu! kuatkanlah semangatku & rakan2.. 

p/s : love u all yg wish besday! saya sayang semua orang yg menyayangi dan menghargai saya! peace!!

yg berterima kasih,
nama baby - Nurul Hida
masa lahir - 11.32 pagi,
berat lahir - 1.12 kg,
trikh lahir - 17 Julai 1990,
tmpt lahir - hosp. tg karang, sel.
